• Wales Life Sciences Investment Fund
    The Auditor General has today published his report on the establishment and oversight of the Wales Life Sciences Investment Fund.
  • Welsh Government undertook appropriate due diligence for Cardiff Airport purchase
    The Auditor General has today published his report on the Welsh Government’s acquisition and ownership of Cardiff Airport.
  • Bridgend council making good progress towards securing future improvement
    Bridgend Council is developing appropriate plans for the future, and subject to aligning its ICT and human resource functions within its transf
  • 2014-15 Local Government Accounts
    The Auditor General has today released his fifth report on local government body accounts.
  • A Picture of Public Services: What does the report say?
  • Progress being made but pace of public services change ‘still too slow’
    Transcript of video [
  • Pembrokeshire County Council recognises that it needs a new strategy
    Pembrokeshire County Council cannot yet provide adequate assurance that its arrangements are capable of delivering its priorities and improved outc
  • Delivering with less – Leisure Services
    Councils across Wales have reduced how much they spend on leisure services by almost £18 million in the last five years.
  • Anglesey County Council making progress in strengthening arrangements and improving services
    The Isle of Anglesey County Council has improved its self-awareness, making good progress in strengthening its governance, management and improving
  • Corporate arrangements for safeguarding are 'variable' across Wales
    The Auditor General has released his report looking into the corporate arrangements of councils in Wales for the safeguarding of children.
  • Welsh Government cannot demonstrate value for money from land sale
    The Auditor General for Wales has completed a detailed value for money (VfM) study into the sale of publicly-owned land and property assets by
  • Swansea Council improving across a range of services
    Swansea Council can demonstrate improvement across a range of key services and has developed a clear framework for managing future challenges.
  • Newport Council showing improvement in some key areas
    Newport City Council has made improvements in some aspects of its arrangements but has not achieved the scale and pace of change required and longs
  • Superfast Cymru Making Reasonable Progress
    The Auditor General has today reported that the Welsh Government’s Superfast Cymru contract, signed with BT in 2012 and supported by up to £205 mil
  • Flintshire County Council has made significant progress in difficult areas
    Flintshire County Council’s track record suggests it is likely to respond positively to the internal and significant external challenges it faces,