• The housing adaptation system in Wales is ‘complicated, reactive and unfair’
    The current system for delivering housing adaptations needs to change in order to meet the needs of older and disabled people in Wales.
  • Local authorities making good progress on implementing new homelessness duties
    The latest report from the Auditor General for Wales has looked at how Local Authorities are implementing their new duties and managing the
  • Countdown to fiscal devolution ‘going well’ despite some challenges
    On the 1 April 2018 Wales will be given its first devolved tax powers in over 800 years.
  • Is the National Procurement Service delivering for Wales?
    Public bodies spent £234 million through the NPS in 2016-17, but this was well short of previous estimates, a report by the Auditor General
  • How councils in Wales are dealing with service change
    Councils in Wales are having to make important decisions about the future shape and level of services they deliver.
  • Supporting People Programme provides important services but needs to improve
    The Welsh Government invested £124.5 million in its Supporting People Programme (the Programme) in 2016-17, to support vulnerable people in
  • Local government bodies continue to face challenges in producing and improving timely annual accounts
    Wales’ local government bodies improved the quality of their pre-audit annual accounts for 2015-16, but still face challenges in the medium
  • Welsh Government ‘well prepared to take on fiscal devolution responsibilities’
    The Welsh Government is preparing well to take on its fiscal devolution responsibilities, in what will be the first time in over 800 years
  • Local authorities are not pursuing all options to generate income
    Our latest report, Charging for services and generating income by local authorities, looks at how local authorities are using charging for
  • Torfaen Council praised for its clear vision, leadership and plans for improvement
    Torfaen County Borough Council has a clear strategic vision, driven by open and inclusive leadership, and is actively developing its corpor
  • Procurement of rail franchise presents risks, challenges and opportunities for Welsh Government
    The Welsh Government must manage the risks around its approach to the procurement of the next Wales and Borders rail franchise if it is to
  • Vale of Glamorgan has clear vision of what it wants to achieve
    Vale of Glamorgan Council has received a positive Corporate Assessment report today which has  concluded that it ‘has a clear vision o
  • Council's financial planning is strengthening
    Welsh councils are going through a period of sustained funding reductions, which is having an impact on their ability to deliver key services t
  • Wrexham Council’s vision is delivering improved outcomes for its citizens
    Wrexham County Borough Council’s vision and ambition are helping to deliver improved outcomes for citizens but some out-dated  arrangements ma
  • City of Cardiff Council - Corporate Assessment follow on
    The City of Cardiff Council has put in place better arrangements to support improvement and to address longstanding issues, but is now at a