Access all our updates and articles around Coronavirus, including challenges and changes, as well as our ongoing learning project.

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Why and how did the Welsh Government pro...

Our memorandum focuses on the £41.79 million allocated by the Welsh Government through its Third Sector COVID-19 Response Fund during 2020-21 and 2021-22.

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Why and how did the Welsh Government pro...

Our memorandum focuses on the £41.79 million allocated by the Welsh Government through its Third Sector COVID-19 Response Fund during 2020-21 and 2021-22.

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COVID-19 and Behaviour Change

The COVID-19 Pandemic has required governments and the wider public to change their behaviour in both significant and small ways.

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COVID-19 and Behaviour Change

The COVID-19 Pandemic has required governments and the wider public to change their behaviour in both significant and small ways.

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NHS bodies in Wales prioritised staff we...

All NHS bodies enhanced their staff wellbeing offer during the pandemic but now need to ensure ongoing support is provided and made easily accessible for al

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NHS bodies in Wales prioritised staff we...

All NHS bodies enhanced their staff wellbeing offer during the pandemic but now need to ensure ongoing support is provided and made easily accessible for al

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How the pandemic is driving innovation i...

Auditor General reflects on auditing during the COVID-19 pandemic with ACCA and INTOSAI

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How the pandemic is driving innovation i...

Auditor General reflects on auditing during the COVID-19 pandemic with ACCA and INTOSAI

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How are we managing the pandemic in Wale...

We look at public services’ response to the challenges of Test, Trace, Protect, Personal Protective Equipment and Vaccinations. 

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How are we managing the pandemic in Wale...

We look at public services’ response to the challenges of Test, Trace, Protect, Personal Protective Equipment and Vaccinations. 

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We reflect on the past year on all thing...

Join us for our COVID-19 learning week

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We reflect on the past year on all thing...

Join us for our COVID-19 learning week

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Part 2: COVID-19 a catalyst for positive...

Recovering with ambition: How COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for positive change, some examples from outside Wales.

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Part 1: COVID-19 a catalyst for positive...

How COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for positive change, a framework for evaluating and moving forward with some examples from North Wales.

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My perspective: #YourTownYourFuture surv...

Hand soap, toilet roll and pasta. These items were on most people’s shopping list as Wales went into its first lockdown in mid-March. One of the things we a

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We need your views: #YourTownYourFuture ...

Help your local town by completing our survey

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We need your views: #YourTownYourFuture ...

Help your local town by completing our survey

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The Warm Light of Autumn

How creative writing helps make sense of the world and improve mental health, from prisoners to the public service workforce.

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Powys Library Services during COVID-19 –...

Our Good Practice Team recently interviewed Powys Library Services about how they have responded to lockdown and the COVID-19 pandemic.  

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Can Wales cope with the financial impact...

We’ve published three pieces of work around Local Government finances in Wales

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Volunteering is a two-way process that m...

My recent experiences have deepened my personal learning; in governance, communication, control and the hidden talents within a community. Let me explain.

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Libraries - it's not just about the book...

Since our Twitter thread about library services back in July, lots of things have changed. 

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Our webinar on public bodies’ cyber resi...

Join us for our free webinar on 23 September.

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Leaving the cave...

The outdoors boosts our wellbeing and helps us cope with the effects of the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic but how easy is it to get out and enjoy open spa

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Foot and Mouth Disease 2001 vs. COVID-19

Does social media make a difference to how we learn?

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International lessons for Welsh public b...

Recovering from the global pandemic will take time. The public bodies who keep us safe, well and healthy will find themselves in a changed operating environ

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Remote auditing (a trainee’s perspective...

When I started the interim audit of the Senedd Commission remotely in March after returning from college, I never thought I’d be completing the final audit

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Hitting our accounts deadlines whilst wo...

Andrew Strong explains how Audit Wales secured access to NHS financial ledgers to enable us to complete NHS accounts work COVID-19 is forcing people all

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Final Accounts auditing from home

Lucy Herman recounts her experiences leading the audit of Public Services Ombudsman for Wales

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International lessons around COVID-19

We look at how other countries and their public bodies have dealt with the pandemic

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Dancing to a new beat: the next phase of...

Blog summary: As we move out of the lockdown, public services face a new and uncertain ‘new normal’. What are the lessons we can take into this new norma

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Dancing to a new beat with COVID-19

We look at the next phase of public services’ response to the pandemic

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Local council democracy – coming out of ...

Emergency governance arrangements were quickly put in place to respond to the pandemic Given the unprecedented situation and the speed with which the pan

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Governance arrangements at a local level...

We look at how councils have had to make some rapid decisions about how best to run their services during COVID-19.

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The impact of COVID-19 on our mental hea...

We discuss the mental pressures and challenges we face during the pandemic and share some learning in our latest blog around COVID-19.

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Welsh Government COVID-19 funding

The Coronavirus has had a profound impact on life in Wales and across the world. Public finances are no exception.

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Welsh Government COVID-19 funding

In May, the Welsh Government published new spending plans in response to COVID-19. This was the first time the Welsh Government has ever produced a Suppl

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COVID-19: Test, Trace and Protect – coun...

Promoting and signposting Test, Trace and Protect well can make testing more effective and can help prepare citizens to react appropriately if contacted by

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COVID-19: Test, Trace, Protect – how eas...

We look at how councils and health boards have been signposting people

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COVID-19 learning project – some emergin...

About the COVID-19 learning project and some emerging themes on re-introducing service delivery The purpose of this project is to support public sector e

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Our response to COVID-19 – an update fro...

I would like to pay tribute to all the public servants who are working so hard to see our country through this crisis. As the organisation responsible for s

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