Shared Learning Webinar
Springing Forward: using lived experience to build a more resilient future

Join us at 2pm on 9 December 2021 for an exploration of using lived experience to build a more resilient future.

About this event

This event seeks to complement our Springing Forward review by examining how lived experiences can be used to build a more resilient future.

This event will question – in the continuing aftermath of Covid-19, in the face of climate change and the opportunities offered by digital transformation – how we evolve organisations that are resilient and use their resources to the best effect and adapt to the unforeseen events to come.

Join us at 2:00pm on Thursday 9 December for a special session; an exploration of resilience in the modern world, with special guests with real world experiences, to search for shafts of light amongst the storm clouds


Further information about this event will be added soon