• Shared Learning Webinar
    Can the social economy save us?

    What can Wales learn from the Basque experience?

About this event

Do you want to know more about how the social economy can benefit communities, but can’t make our full day conference? We are holding a live audience webinar with our very own Chris Bolton (Good Practice Exchange manager, @whatsthepont [open in new window]), in partnership with Wales Co-operative Centre. You are welcome to attend in person or tune in remotely through our live link.

Why this topic?

Recently Chris went to the Basque Country in Spain as part of his Winston Churchill Memorial Trust Travelling Fellowship [opens in new window]. What Chris shared through his series of blogs made the Good Practice Exchange team think ‘Wow! we need to share this with public services in Wales’. There’s so much that public services can take from and adapt to suit their own circumstances.

Here are the series of blogs from Chris’s experiences:

Who is the webinar for?

  • Public Service Board Members
  • Senior decision makers involved in service design and tackling the big challenges facing Welsh society
  • Academics interested in cooperative businesses, and
  • Practitioners delivering innovation, social business and cooperative activities.

Where and when

Monday 3 December 2018
Wales Audit Office, 24 Cathedral Road, Cardiff CF11 9LJ


To register for the webinar, please complete our online booking form. We provide a delegate privacy notice, telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process. It is also available on our Forthcoming Events page

Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 weeks before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

If you are planning to listen to the webinar with a colleague, please provide us with their name(s) so we can accurately record attendance.

If you are attending in person there will be a sandwich supper for attendees. For further information on the event, please email good.practice@audit.wales

Further information about this event will be added soon