Report Governance and fraud Caerphilly County Borough Council – Counter-Fraud Arrangemen... We assessed the progress that the Council has made to implement the 15 recommendations made in the Auditor General for Wales’s report on fraud. View more
Report Digital, data and technology Newport City Council – Digital Strategy Review We set out to answer the question ‘In developing its digital strategy has the Council acted in accordance with the sustainable development principle and put in place proper arrangements to secure value for money in the use of its resources?’ View more
Report Digital, data and technology Caerphilly County Borough Council – Digital Strategy Review We set out to answer the question ‘In developing its digital strategy has the Council acted in accordance with the sustainable development principle and put in place proper arrangements to secure value for money in the use of its resources?’ View more
Report Well-being of future generations Rhondda Cynon Taf County Borough Council – Application of th... The audit sought to answer the overall question: Does the Council have effective arrangements to drive the application of the sustainable development principle across the organisation? View more
Report Digital, data and technology Flintshire County Council – Digital Strategy Review We set out to answer the question: ‘In developing its digital strategy has the Council acted in accordance with the sustainable development principle and put in place proper arrangements to secure value for money in the use of its resources?’ View more
Report Culture, arts and sport Sport Wales – Examination of the review of well-being object... We focused our examination on the following question: ‘To what extent has Sport Wales considered the sustainable development principle when reviewing its well-being objectives and determining whether they remain appropriate?’ View more
Report Digital, data and technology Conwy County Borough Council – Digital Strategy Review We reviewed the Council’s strategic approach to digital View more
Report Governance and fraud Swansea Bay City Deal Region Joint Committee – Assurance and... Swansea Bay City Deal's current programme management arrangements support clear insight into the portfolio’s progress. View more
Report Climate change, environment and agriculture A465 Section 2: Update report Key findings on the major road project View more
Report Health and social care Swansea Bay University Health Board – Review of Workforce Pl... Over the years there have been well documented concerns about the sustainability of the NHS workforce. View more