Help shape our audits and the topics we choose


The Auditor General is calling on members of the public and people who work in the public sector to have a say about the topics and themes they believe the Auditor General should look into.

The feedback gathered will help to inform the programme of work for the public sector watchdog in future years.

Every year, the Auditor General for Wales carries out work to examine the delivery and management of public services in Wales. Sometimes auditors look at a particular service area, other times they focus on individual organisations, specific projects and funding programmes.

Action must match enthusiasm if wellbeing of future generations ambition to be realised in wales


Public bodies in Wales are taking steps to change how they work in response to the new Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 [opens in new window] and many are talking about it with enthusiasm and optimism. But, they need to consider how they will apply the Act more systematically if they are going to drive a different way of working over the longer term.

Join our award winning communications team!


We’re looking for a full time Communications Officer (fixed term for at least 12 months) to help promote the work of the Wales Audit Office – could this be you?

If you have experience of engaging people with excellent content, coordinating events and producing creative video content then this is the role for you!

Find out more and apply before 8 May.

Auditor General launches a revised Code for auditors


The Code sets out the principles external auditors must follow when carrying out audit work on his behalf. The document also details what the Auditor General regards as best professional practice.

Alongside specific legal and professional requirements, auditors must follow four key principles – being public focused, independent, proportionate and accountable. They also need to consider how to apply the sustainable development principle of the Well-being Future Generations (Wales) Act 2015 in accordance with guidance he will issue from time to time.