Public spending patterns since devolution ‘interesting and perhaps unexpected’


In the first decade of devolution, total public spending per head in Wales grew at almost 4% a year in real terms. The public sector austerity that followed saw spending gradually fall. If the pattern of the first 10 years had continued, public spending per head would have been around 40% higher in 2017-18 than was the case.  These figures are all set out in a new report and data tool published today.

Preparations in Wales for a ‘no-deal’ Brexit – an update


Today, the Auditor General for Wales has written to the External Affairs & Additional Legislation Committee with his observations on the progress made in recent months by devolved public bodies across Wales in preparing for a potential ‘no-deal’ Brexit.

Following our report, which was published in February this year, the Auditor General for Wales, Adrian Crompton, states that the key challenges facing public service leaders across Wales are now to: