Welsh Government active travel ambitions a long way from being achieved

Increased spending through the Active Travel Fund but headline active travel rates have not improved in recent years

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We reflect on the past year on all things COVID-19 and the p...

Join us for our COVID-19 learning week

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Ann-Marie Harkin appointed Executive Director at Audit Wales

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Making sense of a crisis: Learning from the COVID-19 Pandemi...

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Key takeaways from ICAEW’s webinar on good governance in the...

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Apprenticeships at Audit Wales

Hear from our one of our apprentices’ and learning partner about their experiences of apprenticeships. Listen to our new podcast.

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All Wales Public Sector Finance Apprenticeship Programme

Audit Wales, as part of the Finance Skills Development Group, reveal new apprenticeship programme

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Audit Wales celebrates National Apprenticeship Week

We’re looking forward to celebrating National Apprenticeship Week 2021

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Launch of the Audit Wales newsletter

Sign up to receive our new monthly digest

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Auditor General presenting on good governance in the public ...

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NHS bodies maintain good governance during the COVID-19 cris...

NHS bodies in Wales have largely maintained good governance throughout the crisis, with revised arrangements enabling them to govern in a lean, agile, and rigorous manner

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Three new roles at Audit Wales

We’re looking for a Head of Communications, Change Project Manager, and Change Project Officer.

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PPE procurement and supply in Wales during the COVID-19 pand...

PPE facts, figures and findings from our fieldwork phase.

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Two new roles at Audit Wales

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We need your views: #YourTownYourFuture survey launched

Help your local town by completing our survey

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NHS spends an additional £501m dealing with COVID-19 midway ...

Our new data tool shows each NHS body’s additional spend due to the pandemic and their current financial positions

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