• Shared Learning Seminar
    Working in partnership: Holding up the mirror

    This seminar is being jointly delivered with Academi Wales and in partnership with Welsh NHS Confederation, Social Care Wales, WCVA, WLGA, the Office of the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales and Good Practice Wales.

About this event

It is widely recognised that public services cannot continue to be delivered in a traditional silo approach. Therefore, the sway towards a partnership approach of public services and citizens is inevitable.

Whilst there are widely acknowledged general principles of working in partnership. In reality, there are a number of different ways of delivering services between statutory and non-statutory bodies.

We fully subscribe to the maxim of ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go further, go with others’. However, we acknowledge that partnership is not always easy.

Partnership working as we all know brings with it inherent challenges but it also brings huge benefits to the individual needing that service. At the end of the day, the individual needing the service is unlikely to care about the barriers and who delivers the service as long as their needs are met.

This seminar will focus on ‘holding up the mirror’ so that the design and delivery of a service is focused on the individual, irrespective of who is actually delivering the service.


Who the seminar is for

This seminar is aimed at senior leaders (chairs, chief executives, non-executives, board members and independent members) working in: 

  • health
  • local government
  • social services
  • third sector bodies
  • voluntary bodies
  • charities
  • social enterprises
  • police
  • fire and rescue
  • devolved bodies
  • housing associations
  • public service boards (PSBs)
  • community health councils
  • regional boards

Where and when

9.30am - 4pm
Wednesday 19 September 2018
Swalec Stadium, Cardiff CF11 9XR

9.30am - 4pm
Thursday 27 September 2018
Glasdir, Plas yn Dre, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0DF


Register for this event on Get Invited [opens in new window]

If you have any issues or queries regarding this event, please email good.practice@audit.wales.

About this event

It is widely recognised that public services cannot continue to be delivered in a traditional silo approach. Therefore, the sway towards a partnership approach of public services and citizens is inevitable.

Whilst there are widely acknowledged general principles of working in partnership. In reality, there are a number of different ways of delivering services between statutory and non-statutory bodies.

We fully subscribe to the maxim of ‘If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go further, go with others’. However, we acknowledge that partnership is not always easy.

Partnership working as we all know brings with it inherent challenges but it also brings huge benefits to the individual needing that service. At the end of the day, the individual needing the service is unlikely to care about the barriers and who delivers the service as long as their needs are met.

This seminar will focus on ‘holding up the mirror’ so that the design and delivery of a service is focused on the individual, irrespective of who is actually delivering the service.


Who the seminar is for

This seminar is aimed at senior leaders (chairs, chief executives, non-executives, board members and independent members) working in: 

  • health
  • local government
  • social services
  • third sector bodies
  • voluntary bodies
  • charities
  • social enterprises
  • police
  • fire and rescue
  • devolved bodies
  • housing associations
  • public service boards (PSBs)
  • community health councils
  • regional boards

Where and when

9.30am - 4pm
Wednesday 19 September 2018
Swalec Stadium, Cardiff CF11 9XR

9.30am - 4pm
Thursday 27 September 2018
Glasdir, Plas yn Dre, Llanrwst, Conwy, LL26 0DF


Register for this event on Get Invited [opens in new window]

If you have any issues or queries regarding this event, please email good.practice@audit.wales.

Further information about this event will be added soon