• Shared Learning Seminar
    A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language - The North

    A celebration of modern Wales through our shared identities, language and experiences as one nation with many faces of Welshness.

About this event

A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language:

A society that promotes and protects the vibrant cultures, heritage, and Welsh language encouraging people to become a part of their local communities.

Modern Wales is a country rich with diverse multicultural, multilingual communities with societies that promote and protect the cultures of Wales, including the Welsh language. A society that encourages people to participate in their communities through opportunities in the arts, sport, recreation, and education.

Join us for a celebration of the many faces of Welshness in modern Wales, exploring how communities are contributing, 'to a Wales of vibrant cultures and thriving Welsh language'.

Inspired by the Football Association of Wales journey over the past decade, this event will examine and discuss how going beyond expectations, creates an inclusive and positive attitude that becomes self-fulfilling.

Working in partnership with the Future Generations Commissioner and the Welsh Language Commissioner, this event will assist and inspire public bodies, and the third sector to embrace the cultural diversity of modern Wales and work beyond compliance and into excellence.

More Information

Ian Gwyn Hughes will discuss the Football Association of Wales’ journey as Welshness and the Welsh language became a core part of their identity. He will also be hosting a workshop where you can delve deeper and continue the conversation.

Derek Walker, the Future Generations Commissioner for Wales, Efa Gruffydd, Welsh Language Commissioner and Sian Lewis, Yr Urdd’s Chief Executive will be taking part in a panel discussion, and ready to respond to your questions with Einir Siôn, Welsh Language Enabler, Arts Council of Wales chairing the session. Einir will also be our Keynote Listener for the event.

The Welsh Language Commissioner’s Office will be hosting a workshop on promoting the use of Welsh in the community with Anglesey Council and within an organisation with the Wesh Government.

Yr Urdd will present the ways they offer opportunities to the children and young people of Wales, including welcoming refugees.

Amgueddfa Cymru on decolonising their collections, and working with Wales’ history as we look at the present and our future.

Wrexham AFC on their community work and how Welshness is a core part of their identity.

Where and when

9.00 - 13:00
Tuesday 23 May 2023
Venue Cymru, Llandudno, LL30 1BB 

Contact the Good Practice Exchange team

To register, please complete our online booking form. We provide a delegate privacy notice [opens in new window], telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process.

Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 weeks before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

For further information on the event, please email good.practice@audit.wales

Further information about this event will be added soon