Shared Learning Seminar
How Boards Understand Equality

This event will explore the understanding and role of Boards when it comes to creating A More Equal Wales.

About this event

How do we bring decision-making closer to the people most affected and ensure all our communities are able to contribute their insight, knowledge and expertise?

First Minister for Wales, Mark Drakeford, recently said when it comes to leadership three things are key: democratisation, diversification and distribution of decision-making.

What about the role of those responsible for scrutinising service delivery? How do they understand equality of opportunity and the impact the board can have?

Public Bodies in Wales are required to carry out an Equality Impact Assessment when introducing a new service, policy or proposal for change. Audit Wales is currently gathering insights on these assessments to understand effectiveness and help shape future audit recommendations.

Join us at 12pm on 4/11/21 for a discussion of the role of Boards in creating A More Equal Wales.


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Please complete your details on the booking form to the right of this page. We have a delegate privacy notice [opens in new window], telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process.

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Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 weeks before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

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