• Shared Learning Webinar
    Cyber resilience in Wales

    At this webinar we will preview our emerging findings from our national study, share items of good practice and discuss the future of cyber resilience in Wales. Delegates will hear from experts in the field and will be able to compare the arrangements in their organisation with other, similar bodies.

About this event


More about this event 

The modern world is increasingly reliant upon digital technology. The amount of data stored by public bodies is growing, and increasingly, computerised systems are performing vital functions in public services.

However, one of the downsides to this increased digitisation is the growing cyber threat from unscrupulous organisations and individuals seeking to exploit the digital world for their own monetary or political gain.

In order to defend themselves against such attacks, public bodies have to increase their cyber security but also their cyber resilience.

Cyber resilience is the ‘overall ability of systems and organisations to withstand cyber events and, where harm is caused, recover from them’ (as defined by the National Cyber Security Centre).

The COVID-19 pandemic has further emphasised the importance of cyber resilience. Reliance on the internet has surged during 2020, with huge numbers of public and private employees working remotely, and with the general public increasing their use of the internet to connect with friends and relatives.

Audit Wales is carrying out a national study on cyber resilience in the Welsh public sector. We have surveyed around 70 Welsh organisations about their approaches to cyber resilience.

We expect that this event will be most useful to public sector employees, Board members and senior managers with responsibility for cyber resilience.  

Although the data we have gathered relates only to Welsh organisations, the key messages will be useful outside Wales. We envision that public sector bodies across the rest of the UK and further afield will find this event useful.

The event will be recorded and published on our website after the event.

Contact GPX 

To register, please complete our online booking form. We provide a delegate privacy notice, telling you how we deal with your personal data as part of the registration process.

Joining instructions are circulated 1-2 weeks before the event. Please ensure you provide your email address when booking a place to ensure that we can send information to you.

For further information on the event, please email good.practice@audit.wales


Further information about this event will be added soon