Part 2: The impact of Coronavirus on people sleeping rough – is this an opportunity to end street homelessness?


Coronavirus has affected all of us; but the impact on homeless people has been far more drastic.

When our towns and cities closed down, public spaces closed, and outdoor movements became restricted. This response helped slow the spread of the virus and save lives by reducing the opportunities for the virus to accelerate and put more people at risk.

Part 1: More than just a housing problem – the cost of failing people sleeping rough in Wales


Working in homelessness I often heard the question ‘Why do people become homeless?’

From my experience, people ask this question with one or two motives. On the one hand its asked with a genuine interest in wanting to know (and understand) why some people end up homeless and others do not. On the other, its raised as a query with an almost judgemental tone that if you are homeless it’s your fault and you need to get your act together and get a grip.

Local council democracy – coming out of lockdown


Emergency governance arrangements were quickly put in place to respond to the pandemic

Given the unprecedented situation and the speed with which the pandemic took hold in March, it was inevitable that emergency governance arrangements would be needed.


Whilst even before lockdown, legislation was in place that allowed councillors to take part in any council meeting ‘remotely’, using technology, the same legislation also requires that at least 30% of attendees must be physically present in the meeting.