Welsh Government undertook appropriate due diligence for Cardiff Airport purchase


The Auditor General has today published his report on the Welsh Government’s acquisition and ownership of Cardiff Airport.

The report notes that, in the years before acquisition, the Welsh Government had become increasingly concerned about the Airport’s decline, despite efforts to provide support and latterly to improve its working relationship with the Airport’s owners. The Welsh Government considered that public sector ownership would give the Airport the stability and commitment that it needed to develop in the long term.

Bridgend council making good progress towards securing future improvement

Bridgend Council is developing appropriate plans for the future, and subject to aligning its ICT and human resource functions within its transformation programme, is well placed to secure improvement. That is the conclusion of a corporate assessment report published by the Auditor General today.
Auditor General for Wales, Huw Vaughan Thomas said today:

Bridgend Council is making good progress in developing a vision of how the Council will operate in the future.