Finding alternatives to landfill waste in Wales


A Welsh Government procurement programme to help councils set up food and residual waste contracts has been well-managed, according to a report published today by the Auditor General for Wales. But, several councils have opted out of the Programme, generally at a higher cost for residual waste treatment, and some are still reliant on landfill.

How I decided on a career change and became a Wales Audit Office trainee


As part of our graduate recruitment campaign, we asked some of our current trainees to blog about why they first applied and what life is like on the Wales Audit Office graduate programme.

Here, Jodie Williams writes about her personal reflections.

To find out more about the scheme, and how to apply, please visit our website [opens in new window].

My answers to three important questions about the Wales Audit Office trainee scheme


As part of our graduate recruitment campaign, we asked some of our current trainees to blog about why they first applied and what life is like on the Wales Audit Office graduate programme.

Here, Sarah Liddell writes about her personal reflections.

To find out more about the scheme, and how to apply, please visit our website [opens in new window].