Welsh Government active travel ambitions a long way from being achieved

Increased spending through the Active Travel Fund but headline active travel rates have not improved in recent years

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Auditor General seeks views on enhanced set of audit princip...

Public sector watchdog wants feedback from general public as well as key stakeholders on a revised code and statement of practice 

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Wales Audit Office joins forces with Charity Commission to h...

People in charge of charities in Wales are being invited to a free, interactive, seminar to explore ways of of improving governance, financial literacy, decision making, the grants culture and recruitment in the Welsh third sector.

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Appeal for patients' views on orthopaedics

The Wales Audit Office is urging the public to share their experiences of orthopaedic services as part of a new study.

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New Wales Audit Office board gets down to business

A new Board is to take up the reins at the Wales Audit Office today.

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Public services facing "Tightest 7 years for public service ...

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Sharing approaches to unscheduled care

In latest blog post from the Good Practice Exchange (GPX) Tanwen Grover pulls together some interesting examples of unscheduled care schemes run by NHS bodies and looks at how they are being used to change the ways people use these services.

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Auditor General publishes Improvement Assessment Letter and ...

The Auditor General for Wales has today published the Improvement Assessment letter and Annual Improvement Report on Cardiff Council.

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Future Pressures on Welsh Public Services

The author of today's report by Wales Public Services 2025 is our very own colleague Mark Jeffs. The WAO's Performance Audit Lead is on a part-time secondment with the think tank.

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Welsh Local Government getting better at Planning, Deliverin...

But more comparisons are needed if the people of Wales are to judge progress for themselves, says Auditor General for Wales

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Auditor General publishes his Corporate Assessment Report 20...

Newport Council at a 'pivotal point' in improvement journey

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Pupil progress in Wales hampered by teacher absence

Reports issued by Wales Audit Office and Estyn highlight increasing reliance on support and cover staff in the classroom  

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Too many Welsh community and town councils are still falling...

Systemic weaknesses in financial management and governance remain, says Auditor General for Wales

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Sustained improvement needed to tackle pressures in unschedu...

Rising demand, workforce challenges and problems with patient flow through acute hospitals have combined to place significant pressure on unscheduled care services in Wales.

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Auditor General publishes his Annual Improvement Report 2012...

Some services are improving but serious weaknesses in governance are a major concern and prompt a corporate governance inspection.

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Wales Audit Office focuses on helping public services to imp...

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