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The Auditor general certified the Council’s 2019-20 financial statements with an unqualified audit opinion. In doing so the Auditor General raised an emphasis of matter narrative with regard to material uncertainty, due to the pandemic, in respect of property assets within the pension fund.
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a significant impact on all aspects of our society and continues to do so. You are required by law to prepare accounts and submit them for audit in line with prescribed timescales. The preparation of the 2019-20 accounts has proved a significant challenge to the Council and the initial agreed timetable for submitting the draft accounts for audit was not met, and there were a number of subsequent delays. We appreciate that the different ways of working, including working remotely from the office, not having access to hard-copy records and liaising with colleagues virtually, introduced unexpected delays in obtaining information to support the accounts. In addition, some changes in roles within the finance team, with the consequent loss of experience, has also provided a challenge.
The Council purchased the Red Dragon Centre site with a view to developing a new arena for the City.
The Council has maintained a sustainable financial position to date but will need to continue to deliver savings given anticipated budget pressures.
The Council has a clear approach to financial management that is serving it well and helping it to remain financially sustainable.
The Council continues to face a significant financial challenge and needs to deliver its savings plans at the pace and scale required whilst controlling service spending within budgets.
The Auditor General's opinion drew attention to potential uncertainty in the valuation of property assets and also property assets which are part of the pension fund liability balance due to the Covid-19 pandemic
The council has maintained a sustainable financial position to date but will need to continue to deliver savings to meet anticipated budget pressures. The council has identified budget savings of £4.4m for the 2020/21 financial year and projections for future years.
The Council undertook £17.5m of long term borrowing from the Public Works Loan Board during 2019-20, to fund capital expenditure schemes.
The Council received £7.1 million grant funding for 21st century schools
The Auditor General's opinion drew attention to potential uncertainty in the valuation of property assets and also property assets which are part of the pension fund liability balance due to the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Council incurred unbudgeted costs of £0.25m relating to the flooding and storm damage caused by Storm Dennis during February 2020.
The Auditor General's audit certificate drew attention to uncertainties disclosed by the Council over the valuation of land and buildings, investment properties and pension fund assets arising from the COVID-19 pandemic.
The Auditor General issued an unqualified opinion on his audit of Neath Port Talbot Council.
The Council is also responsible for the preparation of the annual accounts for Education Through Regional Working (ERW) which received a clean audit opinio
As part of the 21st Century Schools Programme the Council officially opened the Brecon High School new building. This is a £21m scheme jointly funded by the Council and the Welsh Government.
RCT released £1.5m from the general reserve to deliver support to residents and businesses affected by flooding. The floods also damaged some of the Council's Property, Plant and Equipment, for which the estimated cost of replacement in the Annual Governance Statement to be in excess of £60m
We were unable to conduct our audit at Council premises due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Early discussions with the team indicated that the audit could be conducted remotely via use of Microsoft TEAMs. Using this platform, we have successfully been able to screenshare and observe team members running reports and sending these to us, just as we would observe this whilst sat next to the individual.
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The Auditor General's report drew attention to uncertainties expressed by the Council concerning its land and building assets and upon its share of pension fund property assets arising from the Covid-19 pandemic.
The Council paid £2.5m in Covid-19 business grants before 31 March 2020.