• Shared Learning Seminar
    Future Generations Bill Seminar

    Preparing for the Future Generations Bill: the challenges and opportunities of sustainable development.

About this event

Video transcription [PDF 191KB Opens in new window]

This was the first in a series of free Shared Learning Seminars. These seminars are run by the Wales Audit Office in collaboration with Wales' Commissioner for Sustainable Futures. This Seminar helped the Welsh public sector prepare for the Future Generations Bill. This Bill will place a new duty on the devolved public services in Wales to make sustainable development their central organising principle.

Benefits of attending

The seminar was structured both to engage the leadership of the public sector in Wales and provide practitioners with an opportunity to develop their practice. Participants left this seminar with:

  • a fuller understanding of the implications of the proposed Future Generations Bill for their organisations; and
  • how integrated reporting principles could help public bodies respond to the new duty and streamline their reporting, including the role of finance professionals.

The Welsh Government Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty recently announced that a National Conversation will take place on the challenges faced by communities across Wales. This seminar informed that National Conversation.

Seminar outline

The Seminar included:

It also included:

Where and When

Wednesday 5 February 2014
First session: 0800 – 1000
Second session: 1000 – 1300
Wales Audit Office, 24 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9LJ

Thursday 13 February 2014
0930 – 1300
Glasdir, Plas-yn-Dre, Llanrwst, LL26 0DF

About this event

Video transcription [PDF 191KB Opens in new window]

This was the first in a series of free Shared Learning Seminars. These seminars are run by the Wales Audit Office in collaboration with Wales' Commissioner for Sustainable Futures. This Seminar helped the Welsh public sector prepare for the Future Generations Bill. This Bill will place a new duty on the devolved public services in Wales to make sustainable development their central organising principle.

Benefits of attending

The seminar was structured both to engage the leadership of the public sector in Wales and provide practitioners with an opportunity to develop their practice. Participants left this seminar with:

  • a fuller understanding of the implications of the proposed Future Generations Bill for their organisations; and
  • how integrated reporting principles could help public bodies respond to the new duty and streamline their reporting, including the role of finance professionals.

The Welsh Government Minister for Communities and Tackling Poverty recently announced that a National Conversation will take place on the challenges faced by communities across Wales. This seminar informed that National Conversation.

Seminar outline

The Seminar included:

It also included:

Where and When

Wednesday 5 February 2014
First session: 0800 – 1000
Second session: 1000 – 1300
Wales Audit Office, 24 Cathedral Road, Cardiff, CF11 9LJ

Thursday 13 February 2014
0930 – 1300
Glasdir, Plas-yn-Dre, Llanrwst, LL26 0DF

Further information about this event will be added soon