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Two Audit Wales Colleagues Elected to SEWCASS Committee

In May the South and East Wales Chartered Accountants Student Society (SEWCASS) was reconstituted, after a spell of dormancy following the Covid-19 pandemic.

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How we’ll support Wales in rising to the climate change chal...

Climate change is one of the world’s defining challenges and it requires immediate action from everyone, including Audit Wales.

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Apprenticeships: An opportunity to learn every day

If you are searching for a career change, or just starting out in your career, apprenticeships give you the opportunity to learn every day in an area that you love.

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Emergency services work best when they work together

Emergency services are on the frontline responding to the Coronavirus pandemic but are they learning from this experience and working better together to make the most of their resources?

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Your town, your future – Audit Wales regeneration study

Ahead of our Online Event on May 20, the team working on our Your Town, Your Future report into town centre regeneration share their thoughts.

You can register for the event here

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How COVID-19 has disproportionately impacted our female work...

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The big picture: Using funding trends to understand the resp...

This blog looks at some long-term spending trends and their implications for understanding the COVID-19 response in Wales and comparing around the UK. 

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Apprenticeships: why university is not your only option

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Doing it Differently, Doing it Right

Rethinking NHS governance in a post-pandemic world

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Our report on Cyber Resilience and why we’re not publishing ...

We made this decision following advice from experts in the field of cyber security

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Part 2: COVID-19 a catalyst for positive change?

Recovering with ambition: How COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for positive change, some examples from outside Wales.

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Part 1: COVID-19 a catalyst for positive change?

How COVID-19 has acted as a catalyst for positive change, a framework for evaluating and moving forward with some examples from North Wales.

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Getting stuck in! - Thoughts on my first couple of months as...

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