Major road project drawing to a close after a difficult ten years

Costs of upgrading the A465 Section 2 have been largely contained since 2020, but the overall story is one of significant cost increases and delays

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Potential for savings highlighted by our community pharmacy ...

Today, the Auditor General for Wales has shared the findings from a community pharmacy data pilot that Audit Wales has undertaken, working with NHS Counter Fraud Service (CFS) Wales.

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Independent Member for Audit and Risk Assurance Committee

Are you interested in becoming an Independent Member for our Audit and Risk Assurance Committee?

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Event - Audit Committees: effective practices and a positive...

Our next Good Practice event is being held on 22nd May in Cardiff City Stadium.

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We’re here to
Assure, Explain
and Inspire

Our purpose is at the heart of everything we do in Audit Wales

  • Assure the people of Wales that public money is being managed well
  • Explain how public money is being used and how it meets people’s needs
  • Inspire and empower the Welsh public sector to improve

In Progress

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Governance of Fire and Rescue Authorities

Our report into governance arrangements at Fire and Rescue Authorities in Wales. Summer 2024.

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Affordable Housing

Arrangements to deliver the affordable housing target and realise wider benefits. Publication: Summer 2024

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PODCAST: From ‘Firefighting’ to Future Focus

Listen to our new podcast on procurement, ‘firefighting’ and the role of the third sector in responding to local need.

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Good Practice Exchange: 100 Stories Project

Back in June, I attended the 100 Stories Celebration Event at Wrexham University. The event was an opportunity to learn about the project and hear from those that had been involved. Being a North Walian, it’s always great to hear about the work happening across communities in North Wales.

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