Report Arts, culture and leisure Caerphilly County Borough Council – Annual Improvement Repor... The work carried out since the last Annual Improvement Report, including that of the relevant regulators, is set out in this report. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Torfaen County Borough Council – Annual Improvement Report: ... The work carried out since the last Annual Improvement Report, including that of the relevant regulators, is set out in this report. View more
Report Newport City Council – Follow-up review of corporate arrange... Our review sought to answer the question: Can the Council provide assurance that it has addressed the recommendations and proposals for improvement contained in the Auditor General’s national and local reports published in 2014-15? View more
Report Health and social care Conwy County Borough Council – Review of Corporate Arrangeme... Our review sought to answer the question: Do the Council’s governance and management arrangements provide assurance that children and adults are safeguarded? View more
Report Health and social care Conwy County Borough Council – Well-being of Future Generati... This report sets out our findings from our examination of Conwy County Borough Council’s Plan for 2017-22 which includes a citizen outcome that people in Conwy are healthy and active. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Denbighshire County Council – Delivering with Less: Leisure ... This review is a follow-up to the Auditor General’s 2015 national report Delivering with Less – Leisure Services, and considers the impact of reductions in local government funding on the Council’s leisure services and the effectiveness of the Council’s arrangements for delivering those services. View more
Report Health and social care Integrated Care Fund The aim of the Integrated Care Fund is to drive and enable integrated working between social services, health, housing and the third sector and independent providers View more
Report Health and social care Caerphilly County Borough Council – Follow-up review of corp... Our review sought to answer the question: Has the Council acted upon the recommendations and proposals for improvement contained in the national and local reports of the Auditor General published in 2014 and 2015? View more
Report Cardiff Capital Region City Deal – Review of governance arra... In this report, we set out our findings about the governance and accountability arrangements which have evolved since the first investment decision. View more
Report Isle of Anglesey County Council – Annual Improvement Report:... The work carried out since the last Annual Improvement Report, including that of the relevant regulators, is set out in this report. View more