Report Arts, culture and leisure A Picture of Public Services Public services are facing their biggest challenge for at least a generation. The figures in this report show that public services in Wales face significant reductions in their budgets in the coming years. This report is intended to help public services develop that response, by setting out the scale of the challenge they face and the key lessons from our work. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Lean and Systems Thinking in the Public Sector in Wales Cardiff University’s Lean Enterprise Research Centre (LERC) was commissioned to undertake an evaluation of systems thinking in the public sector on behalf of the Wales Audit Office as part of its programme focusing on efficiency and the constrained public sector financial environment. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure North Wales Police Authority Annual Audit Letter 2009-10 This Annual Audit Letter to members of the North Wales Police Authority (the Authority) summarises the conclusions from my 2009-10 audit. It reports for Authority members the significant issues arising from my audit, together with my comments on other current issues. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Gwent Police Authority Inspection Report 2010 This report summarises the joint Wales Audit Office and HMIC findings from the inspection of Gwent Police Authority which took place in October 2009. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Sustainable development and business decision making in the ... The Assembly Government published a new sustainable development Scheme in May 2009, called One Wales: One Planet. This report looks at Assembly Government decision making and sustainable development in the 10 year period prior to the publication of this new sustainable development scheme. We asked the question, ‘Is the Assembly Government’s business decision making process supporting its sustainable development objectives?’ View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Brecon Beacons National Park Authority Corporate Assessment ... This report sets out the findings of the Corporate Assessment only and is designed to answer the question: ‘Are the arrangements of the BreconBeacons National Park Authority (the Authority) likely to secure continuous improvement?’ View more