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Our publications cover a range of audit work completed at public bodies, including: central government, local councils, health boards, police forces, fire services, and national parks.

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Wales Audit Office Proposed new governance arrangements - Br...

The following briefing paper outlines for the Public Accounts Committee the Auditor Generals proposal for new governance arrangements for the Wales Audit Office

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Use of resources in special schools

Our preliminary analysis of Section 52 statements suggested that special schools making similar provision for pupils with similarneeds may be funded at significantly different levels, between and even within authorities. In order to find out more about these differences, we sought to answer and find examples of good practice in relation to the question: ‘Are schools and councils using resources well to meet the needs of pupils in special schools in Wales?’

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Report Finance
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Sustaining value for money in the police service - Briefing ...

This briefing has been produced for the Public Accounts Committee and summarises the Wales specific outputs of our recent UK-Wide report in value for money in the police service – delivered jointly by the Wales Audit Office, the Audit Commission and the Her Majesty’s Inspectors of Constabulary (HMIC).

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Forestry Commission Wales - Public Funding of Ffynone and Ci...

In summary, the main concerns were that there were serious failings in connection with the grant award to Calon such as: the awarding of a grant designed for community groups to a private company without community consultation prior to the grant award; much of the information provided to support the funding bid was knowingly misleading, misrepresentative and inaccurate; and the grant process lacked transparency.In response to these concerns we have examined whether the award of public funds by FCW to Calon was appropriate, impartial and in accordance with the agreed criteria.

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Report Finance
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Sustaining value for money in the police service

Police spending has increased significantly in the last decade, crime has reduced and public confidence has improved but while funding has increased the scrutiny and challenge of spending has been poor. This report provides a framework for change using a transformational approach linked to threat, harm and risk and challenges the police service to make significant future savings.

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Capital Investment in Schools

We examined whether the schools capital investment programme has been managed to best effect. The study fieldwork was completed during 2008-09.

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The Office for National Statistics has benefited from develo...

To improve its financial and management reporting, in 2006 the ONS decided to upgrade its finance function and created new posts of financial controller and financial accountant.

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Auditor General for Wales Annual Report and Accounts - April...

Every year we publish an Annual Report, which summarises our work over the previous 12 months. It sets out our highlights, achievements and our future focus

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Buildings Management National Briefing

We reviewed the land and buildings management arrangements at 30 of the larger Welsh public sector bodies including local government, police, fire and most central government bodies. In the NHS we undertook a central review, supported by limited local fieldwork prior to the recent reorganisation. Arrangements for the management of NHS land and buildings have been guided by a range of all-Wales policies and procedures which have provided the basis for a more consistent approach in that sector. We also held ‘shared learning seminars’ across Wales to support the identification and sharing of good practice.

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NHS risk-based approach for managing backlog maintenance - W...

‘Backlog’ is the amount of repair and maintenance work needed to bring property up to certain standards of physical condition.

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