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Our publications cover a range of audit work completed at public bodies, including: central government, local councils, health boards, police forces, fire services, and national parks.

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City and County of Swansea Council Annual Improvement Report...

Each year, the Auditor General must report on how well Welsh councils, fire and rescue authorities, and national parks are planning for improvement and delivering their services. Drawing on the work of the relevant Welsh inspectorates, as well as work undertaken on his behalf by the Wales Audit Office, this report presents a picture of improvement over the last year

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Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Transforming Unsc...

It is widely recognised that many parts of the Welsh health and social care system are under considerable pressure. The current situation is unsustainable because these services continue to face excessive levels of demand against a background of constrained financial resources and there is now an urgent need for service transformation and whole system change.

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Wrexham County Borough Council Annual Improvement Report 201...

Each year, the Auditor General must report on how well Welsh councils, fire and rescue authorities, and national parks are planning for improvement and delivering their services. Drawing on the work of the relevant Welsh inspectorates, as well as work undertaken on his behalf by the Wales Audit Office, this report presents a picture of improvement over the last year

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Report Finance
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Governance Arrangements for Betsi Cadwaladr University Healt...

This report focuses on the key challenges that the Health Board needs to overcome if it is to strengthen its governance arrangements.

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Betsi Cadwaladr University Health Board Overview of Governan...

This report has been prepared jointly by the Wales Audit Office and the Healthcare Inspectorate Wales (HIW) and is presented to the National Assembly under the Government of Wales Act 1998.

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Report Finance
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Implementation of the National framework for Continuing NHS ...

We set out to answer the question: ‘Is the Framework for implementing CHC effective in ensuring individuals are dealt with fairly and consistently?’

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Bridgend County Borough Council Annual Improvement Report 20...

Each year, the Auditor General must report on how well Welsh councils, fire and rescue authorities, and national parks are planning for improvement and delivering their services. Drawing on the work of the relevant Welsh inspectorates, as well as work undertaken on his behalf by the Wales Audit Office, this report presents a picture of improvement over the last year

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Vale of Glamorgan Council Annual Improvement Report 2013

Each year, the Auditor General must report on how well Welsh councils, fire and rescue authorities, and national parks are planning for improvement and delivering their services. Drawing on the work of the relevant Welsh inspectorates, as well as work undertaken on his behalf by the Wales Audit Office, this report presents a picture of improvement over the last year

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Cardiff and Vale University Health Board - Hospital Catering...

In June 2011, the Wales Audit Office published a national report entitled Hospital Catering and Patient Nutrition1. That report was informed by our 2010 review of hospital catering and patient nutrition across Wales, from which we reported local audit findings to all health boards and Velindre NHS Trust.

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Follow-up Review of Progress Implementing Recommendations fr...

Cwm Taf Health Board is prioritising implementing our recommendations and has made steady progress towards embedding thorough job plan reviews for consultants, although not all Directorates are progressing at the same pace.

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