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Our publications cover a range of audit work completed at public bodies, including: central government, local councils, health boards, police forces, fire services, and national parks.

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Unscheduled Care - An update on progress report

This report aims to track progress made by public services in Wales to address the main issues we raised in December 2009. We also aim to highlight the key remaining challenges and opportunities for improvement. Our review examined whether there has been progress in transforming unscheduled care services to address the issues previously identified in Wales Audit Office publications

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Unscheduled Care - An update on progress (Executive Summary)

This report aims to track progress made by public services in Wales to address the main issues we raised in December 2009. We also aim to highlight the key remaining challenges and opportunities for improvement. Our review examined whether there has been progress in transforming unscheduled care services to address the issues previously identified in Wales Audit Office publications

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Abertawe BroMorgannwg University Health Board - Sickness abs...

High sickness levels can damage an organisations’ ability to achieve their objectives, cost significant sums of money, take considerable time to manage, and ultimately can affect the quality of service or patient care.

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Cardiff & Vale University Health Board - Review of Medical E...

Health bodies typically own and maintain thousands of items of medical equipment. Medical equipment can perform numerous functions such as diagnosis, prevention, monitoring, investigation and treatment. It is therefore vital that health bodies manage their medical equipment in such a way as to ensure patient safety and high quality care. Medical equipment, as defined by the National Audit Office, includes all medical devices connected to patients as part of their treatment and care in hospital, and medical devices used for diagnostic and laboratory purposes.

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Information backup - Diagnostic review Abertawe Bro Morgannw...

There is increased usage and reliance on Information and Communication Technology (ICT) systems. The availability of data and resilient ICT systems play an important part in the planning and delivery of patient focused care and wider population-based health improvement or surveillance programmes. The effective backup of data and information is an essential part of this process. This audit is an important topic for NHS bodies that rely on being able to access data held within ICT systems.

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Primary Care Prescribing - Cwm Taf Health Board

Cwm Taf Health Board’s management of primary care prescribing is supported by a clear strategic vision and good leadership. Good progress has been made in securing financial savings from more rational prescribing, although high volumes of prescribing persist and there is scope to improve the quality of prescribing in key areas.

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Putting Energy into Performance Appraisals - South Wales Pro...

South Wales Probation Service (former) used staff performance appraisals to implement its Green Policy across the organisation. Divisions reduced mileage, increased recycling and reporting on their progress on implementing the Policy to the Board.

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Saving Money Through Water Audits - South Wales Police

South Wales Police were provided with Welsh Water audits and undertook remedial actions at no cost. They have saved £10,000 per annum at South Wales Police HQ. South Wales Police's Headquarters is spread across 12 Acres and houses a diverse range of accommodation, from pre-war buildings to modern fit-for-purpose environments. The site uses an average of 13.5 million Litres of Water per annum at a cost of £38k.

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Staff Engagement in ' Energy - ‘Turning off the Northern Lig...

South Wales Police are actively progressing an Invest to Save programme across its estate as part of its Carbon reduction and energy efficiency commitment. The latest initiative was to upgrade the Lighting in Pontypridd Police Station. The overall savings from the initiative have been estimated at £12k in reduced energy costs. The savings will be higher in subsequent years as the cost of electricity continues to rise.

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Water management the real benefits of meter reading - Aneuri...

Aneurin Bevan Health Board use Automated Meter Reading as both a performance tool and an alert tool, allowing them to effectively manage consumption, respond immediately to anomalies and save money.

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