Report Health and social care Managing Elective Waiting Times – A checklist for NHS health... This checklist sets out some of the questions NHS board members should be asking to obtain assurance that the health board is managing waiting times effectively. View more
Report Flintshire County Council - Annual Improvement Report includ... The report summarises the assessments undertaken since the Auditor General published his last annual improvement report in June 2014 and includes the findings of the Auditor General’s Corporate Assessment, undertaken in September 2014. View more
Report Developing an easy to use website - Barod Community Interest... The Social Services Improvement Agency (SSIA) wanted to find out what people thought about a new website, a one-stop shop for social services in Wales. Barod helped them to find out what members of the public thought. View more
Report Training for elected members on project management - Conwy C... Conwy County Borough Council run practical sessions on project management for elected members. The training ensures that Councillors are better equipped to make decisions on projects. It also gives them insight on the effects that their decisions have on the management process. View more
Report Arts, culture and leisure Effective planning and reporting - Wrexham County Borough Co... Public service organisations must be transparent and accountable to the citizens they serve. In order to ensure that services do perform effectively and provide value for money, organisations report on their work. View more
Report Health and social care Aneurin Bevan University Health Board - review of district n... The audit, carried out between March and August 2014, sought to answer the question: Is the Health Board planning and utilising its district nursing resources effectively as part of its wider approach to delivering care in the community? View more
Report Finance Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board - Annua... This report summarises the findings from the audit work undertaken at Abertawe Bro Morgannwg University Local Health Board during 2014. View more
Report Finance Managing early departures across Welsh public bodies The report looks at whether Welsh public bodies can demonstrate that they are securing value for money from the use of early departures to control or reduce workforce costs. View more
Report Finance 2013-14 Local Government Accounts This fourth annual report on local government bodies’ accounts summarises the results of auditors’ work for 2013-14 at the following types of audited bodies in Wales: Unitary authorities, Local government pension funds, Police and crime commissioners and chief constables, Fire and rescue authorities, National park authorities and Joint committees. View more