Welsh Government active travel ambitions a long way from being achieved

Increased spending through the Active Travel Fund but headline active travel rates have not improved in recent years

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2018 in review

As we reflect on 2018, we’ve selected some of our highlights from the year. These include the things we’re proud to have delivered and some of the successes we’ve celebrated.

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Wales “working well” to implement fiscal devolution

Welsh Revenue Authority “operating effectively” and Welsh Treasury “obtaining appropriate assurance” over HMRC’s implementation of Welsh Rates of Income Tax, says Auditor General

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Failures in governance and financial management at more comm...

Reports in the public interest issued by the Auditor General for Wales highlight failures in three community councils to meet required standards

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Local Government needs to do more to develop a strong data c...

Councils slowly developing in this area, but more work needed to ‘break silo working’ and maximise the benefits of the data they hold, says Auditor General

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Welsh Government needs a more coordinated approach for manag...

Current approach too ‘piecemeal’, although it’s starting to be overhauled

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Brexit and the Rural Development Programme in Wales

Wales faced losing out financially in a no-deal scenario until UK Government extended its funding guarantee. Welsh Government now needs to improve oversight and scrutiny of the Programme

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Finance for the Future conference outputs now online

On the 16 October the Finance Skills Development Group held the third conference for finance trainees, Finance for the Future 2018

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Recycling on the up in Wales and methods are more consistent

Greater collaboration between Welsh Government and councils at the heart of improvements, but costs and performance vary across Wales

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Councils need to think and act differently to sustain servic...

While rural Wales is a great place to live and work, reductions in public spending, socio-economic change, poor infrastructure and ongoing challenges of service delivery are adversely affecting the 600,000 or so people who live there

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Radiology services under strain and action needed

Waiting time targets being met and service well-managed but it’s unsustainable, says Auditor General

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Situation worsening as delays for follow-up outpatient appoi...

Issues of significant concern and action is needed, says Auditor General

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£5.4 million of fraud and overpayments identified in Wales t...

Latest review uncovers extra £1 million compared with previous round

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Finding alternatives to landfill waste in Wales

Welsh Government programme ‘well-managed’ but some councils who’ve opted out are still reliant on landfill

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Social services and well-being study

The study will review progress by local authorities in delivering their new duties under the Social Services and Well-being (Wales) Act 2014. We will help to identify opportunities for improving current management and delivery arrangements. 

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Public interest reports into failures in governance and fina...

The Auditor General for Wales has today published reports in the public interest highlighting failures in governance arrangements and inadequacies in financial management at four community councils – Llanwnnen, Penally, Tirymynach and Whitford.

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