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Defnyddia dy Gymraeg (Use your Welsh) is the Welsh Language Commissioner’s campaign aimed at encouraging the public to use Welsh in their everyday lives and provide an opportunity for organisations of all type to promote their Welsh language services.
Whilst Audit Wales provides a limited service to the public, Defnyddia dy Gymraeg provided us with an opportunity to look at the good work we do in promoting our Welsh Language Strategy so that staff can, “see, hear and use” the Welsh language, promoting our Welsh language learning opportunities, how we use Welsh with other public bodies in Wales and how staff and Board Members can use their Welsh.
Audit Wales “Defnyddia dy Gymraeg” campaign
During the campaign we ran several articles ranging from an overview of the campaign, referencing our recently updated Welsh Language Strategy, promoting learning opportunities within the organisation, and asking staff and Board members to record how and when they can use their Welsh, so we can promote across the organisation.
How some of those at Audit Wales use the Welsh language
Here is what some of those asked said about how they use their Welsh language, how they learnt and what it means to them.
Ian, Board Member
As a person who grew up in a non-Welsh speaking household (one of the lost generation of Welsh speakers) I am very fortunate that my parents sent me to a Welsh medium primary school and bilingual secondary school. Practising my Welsh at school and with friends was an excellent way to improve my language – although I still make mistakes!
Matthew, Director, Financial Audit Practice
Using Welsh at work helps build understanding and build stronger working relationships, helping to reinforce trust and respect. It is a key skill that has a positive impact on our working relationships with the audited bodies working through the medium of Welsh.
Molly, Audit Trainee, Financial Audit Practice
It's really nice to be able to speak and hear Welsh used in conversations on a daily basis in the office. I also enjoy being able to use Welsh in my work for example when completing the Welsh Language Commissioner's audit.
Lora, Senior Auditor - Performance
I take every opportunity to speak Welsh in my daily work with other Welsh speakers and with learners, and also use Welsh greetings orally and in writing with non-Welsh speakers to show that it belongs to us all and everyone.
A Wales of Vibrant Culture and Thriving Welsh Language Events, May 2023
We also reflected on an event organised in partnership with the Welsh Language Commissioner, Future Generations Commissioner and with the Football Association of Wales FAW considering how the public sector and third sector groups can work together to help create, “A Wales of vibrant culture and thriving Welsh language.”
We were fortunate to have Ian Gwyn Hughes, Head of Communications at the FAW as the keynote speaker, reflecting on the work the FAW promoting the Welsh language through-out everything they do and “Putting Cymraeg and Community at the centre of Welsh football.”
The event included a panel discussion, chaired by Einir Sion, Welsh Language Enabler for Arts Wales and a panel inclusive of Efa Gruffudd Jones, Welsh Language Commissioner; Derek Walker, Future Generations Commissioner and Siân Lewis, Chief Executive of the Urdd and Sian Morris Jones, Youth and Community Director of the Urdd.
There were also several workshops looking at various aspects of the Well-Being goal, facilitated by the Urdd, Amgueddfa Cymru and the FAW and the Dragons Rugby Community Team.
The recurring theme throughout our media campaign was encouraging people to give there Welsh a go and create a space where people feel safe to “Defnyddia dy Gymraeg!”