National Fraud Initiative

The NFI matches data across organisations and systems to help public bodies identify fraud and overpayments. Since its commencement in 1996, NFI exercises have resulted in the detection and prevention of more than £56.5 million of fraud and overpayments in Wales and £2.9 billion across the UK.

Our report on the findings of the 2022-23 NFI exercise [opens in new window]. 

NFI 2024-25

Participants can access further information on the NFI web app including:

  • a list of the responsibilities of the nominated officers at the participating body;
  • details of any further requirements and returns concerning the data to be provided;
  • a data protection compliance return; and
  • information on how to interpret matches, and on co-operation between participating bodies.

Data for NFI 2024-25 is due to be submitted by participants in October 2024. The following document sets out the finalised work programme and data specifications for the exercise:

NFI 2024-25: Final Work Programme and Data Specifications [opens in new window]

Timetable for NFI 2024-25 Exercise [opens in new window]

This checklist is designed to help all participating NFI bodies self-appraise their involvement in the NFI prior to and during the NFI exercise:

National Fraud Initiative Self-appraisal Checklist pdf version [opens in new window]

National Fraud Initiative Self-appraisal Checklist Word version [opens in new window]

We encourage all participating bodies to complete the checklist and present it to those charged with governance to support scrutiny of their NFI arrangements.

Code of data matching practice

The Code of Data Matching Practice of the Auditor General for Wales [opens in new window] was prepared to guide all those who take part in data-matching work.

Fair processing

Our privacy notice [opens in new window] tells you what to expect when we collect personal data for data matching exercises and explains how we protect your privacy.

How can my organisation get involved?

If you are interested and want to find out more please email