Wellbeing of Future Generations Act: Looking Forward

05 February 2016
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  • Shared learning from the Welsh Local Government Association, Monmouthshire Council and the Wales Audit Office.

    We have been actively engaging with the Welsh Local Government Association (WLGA) to enhance an understanding of the role of audit in the implementation of the WFG Act. As part of this engagement with the WLGA, we undertook a review of Monmouthshire County Council’s preparedness for the Wellbeing of Future Generations Act.

    We recognise that the WFG Act will be challenging for both public bodies and public audit. In the seminar the WLGA shared key learning with the wider public sector. We, and Monmouthshire County Council, used our experience to explore how public bodies can prepare for the challenges that the WFG Act will present, as well as seize the opportunities it offers. We also began a conversation about how public audit may need to do business differently.

    Who the seminar was aimed at

    All public bodies affected by the Well-being of Future Generations (Wales) Act.

    This seminar was aimed at public and third sector managers and officers in the following areas:

    • Policy and performance
    • Corporate planning
    • Risk Management
    • Workforce planning
    • Financial Management
    • Procurement
    • Asset Management
    • Internal Audit
    • Public Service Boards


    1. Wellbeing of Future Generations Act: The journey so far [PDF 754KB Opens in new window] - Hazel Clatworthy and Matthew Gatehouse, Monmouthshire County Council 
    2. Sharing Learning Experiences [PDF 488KB Opens in new window]  - Neville Rookes and Tim Peppin, Welsh Local Government Association 
    3. Auditing for the Future [PDF 1.7MB Opens in new window]  - Mike Palmer and Alan Morris, Wales Audit Office 

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