Shared Learning Webinar
Internal Audit - Shared Learning Webinar

Internal Audit provides an invaluable service to public services by ensuring that internal controls, risk management and governance arrangements are correctly implemented. 

About this event

Video Transcription [PDF 176KB Opens in new window]

It’s widely recognised that Public Services in Wales are facing major changes through service reconfiguration, commissioning services and increasing partnership working. These options will form part of the new public service landscape.

Internal audit will be affected by these changes and needs to respond so that it can continue to provide a highly valuable service. This webinar launched a stream of work by the Wales Audit Office, focussing on Internal Audit.

You can view videos from the webinar [Opens in new window] and listen to sections of the question and answer session [Opens in new window].

The Wales Audit Office, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA) and Merseyside Internal Audit Agency held a free 75 minute webinar focusing on:

  • skills and experiences;
  • Options to improve public services and why;
  • What other external elements could impact/contribute towards future service delivery?
  • How are internal Audit Services going to achieve maximum impact with less?
  • Is the balance between financial-based Internal Audit and VFM/Governance/risk management/project management is right now? Should it change?

This seminar was aimed at Officers, Elected Members, Chairs and Non-executives that cover Finance, Internal Audit and Treasurer roles within:

  • Local Government (including Chairs of Scrutiny Committees);
  • Health bodies;
  • Police Authorities;
  • Fire and Rescue Services;
  • Housing Associations;
  • Further and Higher Education;
  • Welsh Government and Welsh Government-sponsored bodies.


10.00 - 11.15
Thursday 03 July 2014

About this event

Video Transcription [PDF 176KB Opens in new window]

It’s widely recognised that Public Services in Wales are facing major changes through service reconfiguration, commissioning services and increasing partnership working. These options will form part of the new public service landscape.

Internal audit will be affected by these changes and needs to respond so that it can continue to provide a highly valuable service. This webinar launched a stream of work by the Wales Audit Office, focussing on Internal Audit.

You can view videos from the webinar [Opens in new window] and listen to sections of the question and answer session [Opens in new window].

The Wales Audit Office, the Chartered Institute of Public Finance & Accountancy (CIPFA) and Merseyside Internal Audit Agency held a free 75 minute webinar focusing on:

  • skills and experiences;
  • Options to improve public services and why;
  • What other external elements could impact/contribute towards future service delivery?
  • How are internal Audit Services going to achieve maximum impact with less?
  • Is the balance between financial-based Internal Audit and VFM/Governance/risk management/project management is right now? Should it change?

This seminar was aimed at Officers, Elected Members, Chairs and Non-executives that cover Finance, Internal Audit and Treasurer roles within:

  • Local Government (including Chairs of Scrutiny Committees);
  • Health bodies;
  • Police Authorities;
  • Fire and Rescue Services;
  • Housing Associations;
  • Further and Higher Education;
  • Welsh Government and Welsh Government-sponsored bodies.


10.00 - 11.15
Thursday 03 July 2014

Further information about this event will be added soon